Putnam Club

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Organizers: Paul Apisa, Dima Arinkin, Brian Lawrence, Laurel Ohm

The Eighth UW Undergraduate Math Competition was on Saturday, April 13th. Congratulations to the winners: Haran Mouli (1st place), Pramana Saldin (2nd place), and Lucas Allen (3rd place)! Here is more information about past competitions - winners and problem sets.

Join us on Wednesdays 5:00-6:30pm (first meeting on Jan 31st) in Van Vleck B325 for some challenging questions, pizza and soda!!!

To sign up for Putnam club email announcements, please send an email to putnam-club+join@g-groups.wisc.edu (empty subject and body works).

Old Putnam exams and more information on the Putnam competition. The Putnam Exam, offered by the Mathematical Association of America, is the premier American math competition for undergraduate students.

January 31 Brian Lawrence Assorted algebra problems
February 7 Brian Lawrence
February 14 Paul Apisa Multivariable Calculus.
February 21 Paul Apisa Polynomials.
February 28 Brian Lawrence
March 6 Brian Lawrence
March 13 Dima Arinkin Sequences, series, and recurrences
March 20 Dima Arinkin Real numbers
April 3 Laurel Ohm Inequalities
April 10 Laurel Ohm Functional Equations
April 24 Paul Apisa Games
May 1 Paul Apisa Games

Fall 2023

September 27 Dima Arinkin Introductory meeting - assorted problems.
October 4 Dima Arinkin Polynomials.
October 11 Laurel Ohm Calculus problems.
October 18 Laurel Ohm Even numbered problems from last time and additional calculus problems
October 25 Dima Arinkin Number theory.
November 1 Dima Arinkin Let us try something different today: a mock math contest. Let's look at a past Virginia Tech Contests.
November 8 Brian Lawrence Probability
November 15 Brian Lawrence Combinatorics
November 22 No meeting (Wednesday before Thanksgiving)
November 29 Paul Apisa Geometry.
December 6 Paul Apisa Putnam review