Putnam Club

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Organizers: Paul Apisa, Dima Arinkin, Brian Lawrence, Laurel Ohm

Join us on Wednesdays 5:00-6:30pm (from September 27th) in Van Vleck B325 for some challenging questions, pizza and soda!!!

The Putnam Exam, offered by the Mathematical Association of America, is the premier American math competition for undergraduate students. This year, the exam is on Saturday, December 2nd. The exam is run in two three-hour sessions of six problems each. This is a difficult exam with many interesting and fun problems.

To sign up for Putnam club email announcements, please send an email to putnam-club+join@g-groups.wisc.edu (empty subject and body works).

September 27 Dima Arinkin Introductory meeting - assorted problems.
October 4 Dima Arinkin Polynomials.
October 11 Laurel Ohm Calculus problems.
October 18 Laurel Ohm Even numbered problems from last time and additional calculus problems
October 25 Dima Arinkin Number theory.
November 1 Dima Arinkin Let us try something different today: a mock math contest. Let's look at a past Virginia Tech Contests.
November 8 Brian Lawrence TBA
November 15 Brian Lawrence TBA
November 22 No meeting (Wednesday before Thanksgiving)
November 29 Paul Apisa Geometry.
December 6 Paul Apisa TBA