NTS Spring Semester 2021

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Number Theory / Representation Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Madison

  • When: Thursdays, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
  • Where: Van Vleck B321
  • Please join the NT/RT mailing list: (you must be on a math department computer to use this link).

There is also an accompanying graduate-level seminar, which meets on Tuesdays.

Back to the number theory seminar main webpage: Main page

Spring 2021 Semester

Date Speaker (click for homepage) Title (click for abstract)
Jan 28 Monica Nevins Interpreting the local character expansion of p-adic SL(2)
Feb 4 Ke Chen On CM points away from the Torelli locus
Feb 11 Dmitry Gourevitch Relations between Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms, with applications to vanishing and to Eulerianity
Feb 18 Eyal Kaplan The generalized doubling method, multiplicity one and the application to global functoriality
Feb 25 Roger Van Peski Random matrices, random groups, singular values, and symmetric functions
March 4 Amos Nevo Intrinsic Diophantine approximation on homogeneous algebraic varieties
March 11 Carlo Pagano On the Negative Pell Conjecture
March 18 Siddhi Pathak Special values of L-series with periodic coefficients
March 25 Emmanuel Kowalski Remembrances of polynomial values: Fourier's way
April 1 Abhishek Oswal A non-archimedean definable Chow theorem
April 8 Henri Darmon Hilbert’s twelfth problem and deformations of modular forms
April 15 Joshua Lam CM liftings on Shimura varieties
April 22 Brian Lawrence The Shafarevich conjecture for hypersurfaces in abelian varieties
April 29 Maria Fox Supersingular Loci of Some Unitary Shimura Varieties
May 6 Padmavathi Srinivasan Towards a unified theory of canonical heights on abelian varieties

*to be confirmed