Group Theory Seminar

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The Group Theory Seminar meets in room B129 of Van Vleck Hall on Tuesdays at 4pm.
For more information, contact Nigel Boston.

Fall 2012

date speaker title host(s)
September 4
September 11
September 18
September 25 Don Passman (Wisconsin)

Group Rings, I.

October 2 Don Passman (Wisconsin)

Group Rings, II.

October 9 Don Passman (Wisconsin)

Group Rings, III.

October 16 Marty Isaacs (Wisconsin)

Character Theory, I.

October 23 Marty Isaacs (Wisconsin)

Character Theory, II.

October 30 Marty Isaacs (Wisconsin)

Character Theory, III.

November 6 Sara Jensen (Wisconsin)

Results on the Character Degree Graph of Finite Groups.

November 13 Sarah Rich (Wisconsin)

An Introduction to the Grigorchuk Group and Groups like it.

November 20 (week of Thanksgiving) Sarah Rich (Wisconsin)

Self-Similar Groups and Amenability.

November 27 Owen Sizemore (Wisconsin)

Amenability and Dixmier's Problem

December 4
December 11 Owen Sizemore (Wisconsin)

Amenability and Dixmier's Problem (II)


Fall Abstracts

Don Passman

Group Rings

These three talks will be an introduction to group rings.

Owen Sizemore

Amenability and Dixmier's Problem

This talk will focus on the representation theory of amenable groups. We will begin by giving another characterization of amenable groups in terms of its unitary representations. We will then broaden our scope to look at more arbitrary bounded representations of amenable groups and ask if this gives us additional information about the groups. We will conclude will a proof of the Day/Dixmier result which essentially gives an answer of "no" to the previous question. In subsequent talks we will then look at the same question for nonamenable groups.

Amenability and Dixmier's Problem (II)

In this talk I will prove the Day/Dixmier result showing that all representation of amenable groups are unitarizable. I will then discuss what is known regarding the question of whether this characterizes amenable groups. Time permitting, I will talk about some recent progress and mention connections with random subgroups and ergodic theory.

Spring 2013

date speaker title host(s)
January 22
January 29
February 5
February 12
February 19
February 26
March 5
March 12
March 19
Spring Break
April 2
April 9
April 16
April 23
April 30
May 7

Spring Abstracts