Algebraic Geometry Seminar Fall 2014

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The seminar meets on Fridays at 2:25 pm in Van Vleck B131.

The schedule for the previous semester is here.

Algebraic Geometry Mailing List

  • Please join the Algebraic Geometry Mailing list to hear about upcoming seminars, lunches, and other algebraic geometry events in the department (it is possible you must be on a math department computer to use this link).

Fall 2014 Schedule

date speaker title host(s)
September 12 Andrei Caldararu (UW) Geometric and algebraic significance of the Bridgeland differential (local)
October 10 Lars Winther Christensen (Texas Tech University) TBA Daniel
November 21 Eyal Markman (UMass Amherst) TBA Andrei


Eyal Markman