Madison Math Circle

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What is it?

The UW-Madison math department organizes a series of talks aimed at interested middle school and high school students throughout the semester. Our goal is to present fun talks that give students a taste of interesting ideas in math and science. In the past we've had talks about plasma and weather in outer space, the way images are shaded in video games, and how credit card numbers are securely transmitted over the internet.

After each talk we'll have snacks provided by the Mathematics Department, and students will have an opportunity to mingle and chat with the speaker and with other participants, to ask questions about some of the topics that have been discussed, and also about college, careers in science, etc.

The Madison Math circle was featured in Wisconsin State Journal:

Alright, I want to come!


Sign up for our email list:

If you are a student, we hope you will tell other interested students about these talks, and speak with your parents or with your teacher about organizing a car pool to the UW campus (and tell us how many people are coming so we can purchase the appropriate amount of pizza!)

If you are a parent or a teacher, we hope you'll tell your students about these talks and organize a car pool to the UW (all talks take place in Ingraham Hall room 120, on the UW-Madison campus).

Parking. Parking on campus is rather limited. Here is as list of some options:


If you have any questions, suggestions for topics, or so on, just email the organizers (Lalit Jain, Dan Erman, Gheorghe Craciun, and Philip Matchett Wood):

Math Circle Meetings for Spring 2014

All talks are at 6pm in Ingraham Hall room 120, unless otherwise noted.

Date and RSVP links Speaker Topic (click for more info)
January 27, 2014 Matthew Johnston Cancelled for weather
February 3, 2014 Daniel Ross Encryption
February 10, 2014 Betsy Stovall Geometric addition
February 17, 2014 Mimansa Vahia Origami and Mathematics
February 24, 2014 Philip Matchett Wood Mathematics of Graphs---how a picture solves the problem
March 3, 2014 Matthew Johnston TBA
March 10, 2014 Jordan Ellenberg Why the card game Set should actually be called Line, and other comments on finite geometry
March 17, 2014 NO MEETING UW Spring Break
March 24, 2014 Reese Johnston The Mathematics of Lying
March 31, 2014 Reese Johnston The Mathematics of Lying, part 2
April 7, 2014 Shamgar Gurevich Symmetries of Platonic Solids
April 14, 2014 NO MEETING MMSD Spring Break


Betsy Stoval

Geometric Addition

Abstract: We will learn some neat geometric tricks for quickly and painlessly computing some surprisingly large sums.

Philip Matchett Wood

Mathematics of Graphs---how a picture solves the problem

Abstract: Life is full of questions, and sometimes, drawing a picture is the best way to think about things. We will discuss one of the simplest pictures---a mathematical graph---and show how it is useful in many surprising ways!

Archived Math Circle Material

Archived Math Circle Material