Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Analysis Seminars

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The 2021-2022 Analysis Seminar will be organized by David Beltran and Andreas Seeger. Some of the talks will be in person (room Van Vleck B139) and some will be online. The regular time for the Seminar will be Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. (in some cases we will schedule the seminar at different times, to accommodate speakers).

Zoom links will be sent to those who have signed up for the Analysis Seminar List. If you would like to subscribe to the Analysis seminar list, send a blank email to analysis+join (at) g-groups (dot) wisc (dot) edu. If you are from an institution different than UW-Madison, please send as well as an additional email to David and Andreas (dbeltran, seeger at math (dot) wisc (dot) edu) to notify the request.

If you'd like to suggest speakers for the fall semester please contact David and Andreas.

Analysis Seminar Schedule

date speaker institution title host(s)
September 21, VV B139 Dóminique Kemp UW-Madison Decoupling by way of approximation Sponsor
September 28, VV B139 UW-Madison Jack Burkart Title Sponsor
October 5, Online Giuseppe Negro University of Birmingham Title Sponsor
October 12, VV B139 Rajula Srivastava, UW Madison Title Sponsor
October 19, Online Itamar Oliveira, Cornell University Title Sponsor
October 26, VV B139 Changkeun Oh UW Madison Title Sponsor
November 2, VV B139 Liding Yao UW Madison Title Sponsor
November 9, VV B139 Lingxiao Zhang UW Madison Title Sponsor
November 16, VV B139 Rahul Parhi UW Madison (EE) Title Sponsor
November 30, VV B139 Alexei Poltoratski UW Madison Title Sponsor
December 7 Person Institution Title Sponsor
December 14 Person Institution Title Sponsor
Date Person Institution Title Sponsor


Dóminique Kemp

Decoupling by way of approximation

Since Bourgain and Demeter's seminal 2017 decoupling result for nondegenerate hypersurfaces, several attempts have been made to extend the theory to degenerate hypersurfaces $M$. In this talk, we will discuss using surfaces derived from the local Taylor expansions of $M$ in order to obtain "approximate" decoupling results. By themselves, these approximate decouplings do not avail much. However, upon considerate iteration, for a specifically chosen $M$, they culminate in a decoupling partition of $M$ into caps small enough either as originally desired or otherwise genuinely nondegenerate at the local scale. A key feature that will be discussed is the notion of approximating a non-convex hypersurface $M$ by convex hypersurfaces at various scales. In this manner, contrary to initial intuition, non-trivial $\ell^2$ decoupling results will be obtained for $M$.
















Blank Analysis Seminar Template

Graduate Student Seminar:
