Reading Seminar 2018-19

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My (Daniel's) experience has been that reading seminars have diminishing returns: they run out of steam after about 8 lectures on a certain book, as everyone starts falling behind, etc. I was thinking aim broader (rather than deeper), covering 3 books, but with fewer lectures. My idea is to partly cover: Beauville's "Complex Algebraic Surfaces"; Atiyah's "K-theory"; and Harris and Morrison's "Moduli of Curves". We would do about 6-8 lectures on each. This allows us to reboot every two months, which I hope will be mentally refreshing and will allow people who have lost the thread of the book to rejoin. Anyways, it's an experiment!

Some notes:

  • There's a lot of talks here, so I will need some other people to help with logistics. In particular: I am very bad at sending reminder emails, so if you are willing to send the reminder emails for one of the books, that would be great.
  • I left some "Makeup" dates in the schedule with the idea that we would most likely take a week off on those dates. But if we need to miss another date (because of a conflict with a special colloquium or some other event), then we can use those as makeup slots.

Time and Location

Talks will be from 11:00-11:50. Also, this semester, Daniel is planning to keep a VERY HARD watch on the clock.

Talk Schedule

date speaker sections
September 4 ?? Beauville 1
September 11 ?? Beauville 2
September 18 ?? Beauville 3
September 25 ?? Beauville 4
October 2 ?? Beauville 5
October 9 ?? Beauville 6
Ocrober 16 ?? Beauville 7
October 23 ?? Beauville 8
October 30 ?? Makeup date
November 6 ?? Atiyah 1
November 13 ?? Atiyah 2
November 20 ?? Atiyah 3
November 27 ?? Makeup
January 29 ?? Atiyah 4
February 5 ?? Atiyah 5
February 12 ?? Atiyah 6
February 19 ?? Makeup
February 26 ?? Moduli 1
February 26 ?? Moduli 1
March 5 ?? Moduli 2
March 12 ?? Moduli 3
March 19 ?? Moduli 4
March 26 ?? Moduli 5
March 26 ?? Moduli 6
April 2 ?? Moduli 7
April 9 ?? Moduli 8
April 16 ?? Makeup

Feedback on talks

One of the goals for this semester is to help students learn to give better talks. We will add more concrete plans about how to do this later.