Past Probability Seminars Spring 2020
Fall 2013
Thursdays in 901 Van Vleck Hall at 2:25 PM, unless otherwise noted.
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Thursday, September 12, Tom Kurtz, UW-Madison
Title: Particle representations for SPDEs with boundary conditions
Abstract: Stochastic partial differential equations frequently arise as limits of finite systems of weighted interacting particles. For a variety of purposes, it is useful to keep the particles in the limit obtaining an infinite exchangeable system of stochastic differential equations for the particle locations and weights. The corresponding de Finetti measure then gives the solution of the SPDE. These representations frequently simplify existence, uniqueness and convergence results. Following some discussion of general approaches to SPDEs, the talk will focus on situations where the particle locations are given by an iid family of diffusion processes, and the weights are chosen to obtain a nonlinear driving term and to match given boundary conditions for the SPDE. (Recent results are joint work with Dan Crisan.)
Thursday, September 26, David F. Anderson, UW-Madison
Title: TBA
Thursday, October 3, Lam Ho, UW-Madison CS/Stats
Title: TBA
Thursday, October 10, NO SEMINAR
Midwest Probability Colloquium
Wednesday October 16, 2:30pm, A. Borodin
Title: TBA
Please note the non-standard time and day.
Tuesday, October 22 , Anton Wakolbinger, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Please note the non-standard time and day.
Title: TBA
Thursday, October 24, Ke Wang, IMA
Title: TBA
Thursday, October 31, TBA
Title: TBA
Thursday, November 7, TBA
Title: TBA
Thursday, November 14, Miklos Racz, UC Berkeley
Title: TBA
Thursday, November 21, Amarjit Budhiraja, UNC-Chapel Hill
Title: TBA
Thursday, November 28, NO SEMINAR