PDE Geometric Analysis seminar

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PDE and Geometric Analysis Seminar

The seminar will be held in room B115 of Van Vleck Hall on Mondays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm, unless indicated otherwise.

Previous PDE/GA seminars

Seminar Schedule Fall 2011

date speaker title host(s)
Oct 3 Takis Souganidis (Chicago)
Stochastic homogenization of the G-equation
Oct 10 Scott Armstrong (UW-Madison)
Partial Regularity for Fully Nonlinear Equations
Oct 17 Russell Schwab (Carnegie Mellon)
Oct 24 Valentin Ovsienko ()
Marí Beffa
Oct 31 Adrian Tudorascu (West Virginia University)
Nov 7 James Nolen (Duke)
Dec 5 Charles Smart (MIT)


Takis Souganidis (Chicago)

Stochastic homogenization of the G-equation

The G-equation is a Hamilton-Jacobi equation, of level-set-type, which is used as a model in turbulent combustion. In the lecture I will present recent joint work with Pierre Cardaliaguet about the homogenization of the G-equation set in random media, when the problem is not coercive and, hence, falls outside the scope of the theory of stochastic homogenization.

Scott Armstrong (UW-Madison)

Partial Regularity for Fully Nonlinear Equations

I will present some regularity results for (nonconvex) fully nonlinear equations. Such equations do not possess smooth solutions, but in joint work with Silvestre and Smart we show that the Hausdorff dimension of the singular set is less than the ambient dimension. Using an argument with a similar flavor, we prove (jointly with Silvestre) a unique continuation result for such equations.

Russell Schwab (Carnegie Mellon)

To be posted.

Valentin Ovsienko ()

To be posted.

Adrian Tudorascu (West Virginia University)

To be posted.

James Nolen (Duke)

To be posted.

Charles Smart (MIT)

To be posted.