Room Reservations

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Room Reservations

  • The conference room (307) is available for Math Department purposes when it is free. Reservations should be made through Sharon Paulson in 220 Van Vleck. Please do NOT use this room without first checking for availability.
  • Ninth floor Seminar Rooms (901 and 903) may also be reserved for Math Department business through Sharon Paulson on a first-come, first-served basis both for one-time and semester-long events. Reservations carry over to following semesters - for seminars only. 901 is locked at 4pm M - F and all day on weekends. For access, go the Math Library to check out a key.
  • Ninth floor Conference Room (911) There is a research conference room (lounge) on the ninth floor (Room 911) intended for informal contact between Math Dept. faculty, staff and graduate students. It is not to be used as a study room by others nor is it to be used for undergraduate review sessions. The lounge should not be used as a nap or overnight sleeping area.

The 9th floor conference room MUST be reserved for all Dept. events and ‘get togethers’. Reservations are made with the Chair’s Assistant. Check the sign on the outside of the door before entering. This will help you avoid any embarrassment of walking in on an event.

Coffee and tea are available on a pay-as-you-go basis. There is a small kitchen that contains a refrigerator and a microwave oven. The refrigerator should be used only for short-term storage; articles of advanced age or unpleasant aroma may be summarily removed. All users are requested to leave the lounge, and especially the kitchen, at least as clean as they found it and to follow the instructions for use of the facilities.

Classroom Reservations: Fill out a Campus Classroom Request Form available on the Receptionist’s counter. Submit to Sharon Paulson in 220 Van Vleck at least 48 hours before the room is needed. All campus building classrooms are scheduled through a university scheduling center, thus we have no control over the classrooms in our building.