Past Probability Seminars Spring 2020

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Spring 2019

Thursdays in 901 Van Vleck Hall at 2:25 PM, unless otherwise noted. We usually end for questions at 3:15 PM.

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January 31, Oanh Nguyen, Princeton

Title: Survival and extinction of epidemics on random graphs with general degrees

Abstract: We establish the necessary and sufficient criterion for the contact process on Galton-Watson trees (resp. random graphs) to exhibit the phase of extinction (resp. short survival). We prove that the survival threshold $\lambda_1$ for a Galton-Watson tree is strictly positive if and only if its offspring distribution has an exponential tail, settling a conjecture by Huang and Durrett. On the random graph with degree distribution $D$, we show that if $D$ has an exponential tail, then for small enough $\lambda$ the contact process with the all-infected initial condition survives for polynomial time with high probability, while for large enough $\lambda$ it runs over exponential time with high probability. When $D$ is subexponential, the contact process typically displays long survival for any fixed $\lambda>0$. Joint work with Shankar Bhamidi, Danny Nam, and Allan Sly.

February 7, Yu Gu, CMU

Title: Fluctuations of the KPZ equation in d\geq 2 in a weak disorder regime

Abstract: We will discuss some recent work on the Edwards-Wilkinson limit of the KPZ equation with a small coupling constant in d\geq 2.

February 14, TBA

February 21, TBA

February 28, TBA

March 7, TBA

March 14, TBA

March 21, Spring Break, No seminar

March 28, TBA

April 4, TBA

April 11, Eviatar Proccia, Texas A&M

April 18, Andrea Agazzi, Duke

April 25, Kavita Ramanan, Brown

April 26, Colloquium, Kavita Ramanan, Brown

April 26, TBA

May 2, TBA

Past Seminars