Reading Seminar 2018-19

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My (Daniel's) experience has been that reading seminars have diminishing returns: they run out of steam after about 8 lectures on a certain book, as everyone starts falling behind, etc. I was thinking aim broader (rather than deeper), covering 3 books, but with fewer lectures. My idea is to partly cover: Beauville's "Complex Algebraic Surfaces"; Atiyah's "K-theory"; and Harris and Morrison's "Moduli of Curves". We would do about 6-8 lectures on each. This allows us to reboot every two months, which I hope will be mentally refreshing and will allow people who have lost the thread of the book to rejoin. Anyways, it's an experiment!

Some notes:

  • There's a lot of talks here, so I will need some other people to help with logistics. In particular: I am very bad at sending reminder emails, so if you are willing to send the reminder emails for one of the books, that would be great.
  • I left some "Makeup" dates in the schedule with the idea that we would most likely take a week off on those dates. But if we need to miss another date (because of a conflict with a special colloquium or some other event), then we can use those as makeup slots.

Talk Schedule

date speaker sections
September 4 ?? Beauville 1
September 11 ?? Beauville 2
September 18 ?? Beauville 3
September 25 ?? Beauville 4
October 2 ?? Beauville 5
October 9 ?? Beauville 6
Ocrober 16 ?? Beauville 7
October 23 ?? Beauville 8
October 30 ?? Makeup date
November 6 ?? Atiyah 1
November 13 ?? Atiyah 2
November 20 ?? Atiyah 3
November 27 ?? Makeup
January 29 ?? Atiyah 4
February 5 ?? Atiyah 5
February 12 ?? Atiyah 6
February 19 ?? Makeup
February 26 ?? Moduli 1
February 26 ?? Moduli 1
March 5 ?? Moduli 2
March 12 ?? Moduli 3
March 19 ?? Moduli 4
March 26 ?? Moduli 5
March 26 ?? Moduli 6
April 2 ?? Moduli 7
April 9 ?? Moduli 8
April 16 ?? Makeup