PDE Geometric Analysis seminar

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The seminar will be held in room 901 of Van Vleck Hall on Mondays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm, unless indicated otherwise.

Previous PDE/GA seminars

Tentative schedule for Fall 2018

PDE GA Seminar Schedule Spring 2018

date speaker title host(s)
January 29, 3-3:50PM, B341 VV. Dan Knopf (UT Austin) Non-Kähler Ricci flow singularities that converge to Kähler-Ricci solitons Angenent
February 5 Andreas Seeger (UW) Singular integrals and problem on mixing flows Kim & Tran
February 12 Sam Krupa (UT-Austin) Proving Uniqueness of Solutions for Burgers Equation Entropic for a Single Entropy, with Eye Towards Systems Case Lee
February 19 Maja Taskovic (UPenn) TBD Kim
March 5 Khai Nguyen (NCSU) TBD Tran
March 12 Hongwei Gao (UCLA) TBD Tran
March 19 Huy Nguyen (Princeton) TBD Lee
April 9 reserved TBD Tran
April 21-22 (Saturday-Sunday) Midwest PDE seminar Angenent, Feldman, Kim, Tran.
April 25 (Wednesday) Hitoshi Ishii (Wasow lecture) TBD Tran.


Dan Knopf

Title: Non-Kähler Ricci flow singularities that converge to Kähler-Ricci solitons

Abstract: We describe Riemannian (non-Kähler) Ricci flow solutions that develop finite-time Type-I singularities whose parabolic dilations converge to a shrinking Kähler–Ricci soliton singularity model. More specifically, the singularity model for these solutions is the “blowdown soliton” discovered by Feldman, Ilmanen, and Knopf in 2003. Our results support the conjecture that the blowdown soliton is stable under Ricci flow. This work also provides the first set of rigorous examples of non-Kähler solutions of Ricci flow that become asymptotically Kähler, in suitable space-time neighborhoods of developing singularities, at rates that break scaling invariance. These results support the conjectured stability of the subspace of Kähler metrics under Ricci flow.

Sam Krupa

Title: Proving Uniqueness of Solutions for Burgers Equation Entropic for a Single Entropy, with Eye Towards Systems Case

Abstract: For hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, uniqueness of solutions is still largely open. We aim to expand the theory of uniqueness for systems of conservation laws. One difficulty is that many systems have only one entropy. This contrasts with scalar conservation laws, where many entropies exist. It took until 1994 to show that one entropy is enough to ensure uniqueness of solutions for the scalar conservation laws (Panov). This single entropy result was proven again by De Lellis, Otto and Westdickenberg in 2004. These two proofs both rely on the special connection between Hamilton--Jacobi equations and scalar conservation laws in one space dimension. However, this special connection does not extend to systems. In our new work, we prove the single entropy result for scalar conservation laws without using Hamilton--Jacobi. Our proof lays out new techniques that are promising for showing uniqueness of solutions in the systems case. This is joint work with A. Vasseur.