Algebraic Geometry Seminar Fall 2017

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The seminar meets on Fridays at 2:25 pm in Van Vleck B321.

Here is the schedule for the previous semester.

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Fall 2017 Schedule

date speaker title host(s)
October 6 Michael Brown (UW-Madison) Topological K-theory of equivariant singularity categories local
October 9 (Monday!!, 3:30-4:30, B119) Aaron Bertram (Utah) LePotier's Strange Duality and Quot Schemes Andrei
October 27 Mao Li (UW-Madison) Poincare sheaf on the stack of rank two Higgs bundles local
November 3 Dario Beraldo (Oxford) tba Dima
December 1 Jonathan Wang (IAS) Dima
December 8 Melody Chan (Brown)) tba Jordan


Michael Brown

Topological K-theory of equivariant singularity categories

This is joint work with Tobias Dyckerhoff. Topological K-theory of complex-linear dg categories is a notion introduced by Blanc in his recent article "Topological K-theory of complex noncommutative spaces". In this talk, I will discuss a calculation of the topological K-theory of the dg category of graded matrix factorizations associated to a quasi-homogeneous polynomial with complex coefficients in terms of a classical topological invariant of a complex hypersurface singularity: the Milnor fiber and its monodromy.

Aaron Bertram

LePotier's Strange Duality and Quot Schemes Finite schemes of quotients over a smooth curve are a vehicle for proving strange duality for determinant line bundles on moduli spaces of vector bundles on Riemann surfaces. This was observed by Marian and Oprea. In work with Drew Johnson and Thomas Goller, we extend this idea to del Pezzo surfaces, where we are able to use it to prove cases of Le Potier's strange duality conjecture.