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'''Graduate study in Geometry at UW-Madison'''
<!-- ''Graduate study in Geometry at UW-Madison''' -->

Revision as of 00:25, 14 August 2012

Geometry and Topology

Senior faculty in Geometry

Richard Peabody Kent IV (UT Austin, 2006) Hyperbolic geometry, mapping class groups, geometric group theory, connections to algebra.

Gloria Mari-Beffa (University of Minnesota-Minneapolis 1991) Differential geometry, invariant theory, completely integrable systems.

Laurentiu Maxim (U Penn 2005) Geometry and topology of singularities.

Yong-Geun Oh (Berkeley 1988) Floer theory and its application to symplectic topology and mirror symmetry.

Sean T. Paul (Princeton 2000) Complex differential geometry.

Jeff Viaclovsky (Princeton 1999) Differential geometry, geometric analysis.

Bing Wang (University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008) Geometric flows.

Postdoctoral fellows in Geometry

Ruifang Song (Harvard University 2011) Geometry, periods and moduli of Calabi-Yau manifolds.

Seminars in Geometry

Geometry and Topology Seminar

PDE Geometric Analysis seminar

Symplectic Geometry Seminar

Upcoming conferences in Geometry held at UW

Previous conferences in Geometry held at UW

Singularities in the Midwest, II.

Singularities in the Midwest