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|''[[Applied/ACMS/absS15#Elaine Spiller (Marquette)|Uncertainty quantification and geophysical hazard mapping]]''
|''[[Applied/ACMS/absS15#Elaine Spiller (Marquette)|Uncertainty quantification and geophysical hazard mapping]]''
|May 26,  '''3:00pm'''
|[ Sanjeeva Balasuriya] (Adelaide)
|''[[Applied/ACMS/absS15#Sanjeeva Balasuriya (Adelaide)|Controling stable and unstable manifolds in nonautonomous flows]]''
|May 26,  '''4:00pm'''
|[ Rob Sturman] (Leeds)
|''[[Applied/ACMS/absS15#Rob Sturman (Leeds)|TBA]]''

Revision as of 15:00, 19 May 2015

Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Spring 2015 Semester

date speaker title host(s)
Jan 23 Irene Kyza (U Dundee) Adaptivity and blowup detection for semilinear evolution convection-diffusion equations based on a posteriori error control Shi Jin
Jan 30 Daniel Vimont (UW) Linear Inverse Modeling of Central and East Pacific El Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Events Sam, Saverio
Feb 13 Saverio Spagnolie (UW) Sedimentation in viscous fluids: flexible filaments and boundary effects
Feb 20 Jonathan Freund (U Illinois) Adjoint-based optimization for understanding and reducing flow noise Saverio
Feb 27 Markos Katsoulakis (U Mass Amherst) Information Theory methods for parameter sensitivity and coarse-graining of high-dimensional stochastic dynamics Shi Jin
Mar 6 Frederic Coquel (Ecole Polytechnique Paris) Jin and Xin's Relaxation Framework with Defect Measure Corrections Shi Jin
Mar 13 Lisa Fauci (Tulane) Flagellar motility: negotiating sticky elastic bonds and viscoelastic networks Saverio
Mar 20 Paulo Arratia (U Penn) Pulling & pushing in complex fluids Saverio
Wed. Mar 25, VV B321 Tao Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences) The Christoffel function weighted least-squares for stochastic collocation approximations: applications to Uncertainty Quantification Shi Jin
Apr 3 Spring break
Wed. Apr 8, VV B321 Bin Cheng (University of Surrey) Error estimates and 2nd order corrections to reduced fluid models Shi Jin
Apr 10 Murad Banaji (University of Portsmouth) Nonexpansivity in chemical reaction networks Craciun
Mon. Apr 13, VV B321 Manoj Gopalkrishnan (Tata Institute Mumbai) Autocatalysis in reaction networks Anderson and Craciun
Apr 17 Stephen Wright (UW) Optimization in learning and data analysis Saverio
Apr 24 Thomas Powers (Brown) Fluid mechanics of swimming microorganisms in viscoelastic and anisotropic fluids Saverio
May 1, 12:05pm Nick Trefethen (Oxford) Numerical computing with Chebfun Steve Wright
May 1 Elaine Spiller (Marquette) Uncertainty quantification and geophysical hazard mapping Budisic
May 26, 3:00pm Sanjeeva Balasuriya (Adelaide) Controling stable and unstable manifolds in nonautonomous flows Jean-Luc
May 26, 4:00pm Rob Sturman (Leeds) TBA Jean-Luc

Archived semesters

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