NTS ABSTRACTFall2019: Difference between revisions

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and geometry
and geometry
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE"  | We introduce the notion of a prime number, and show that there are infinitely many of those.
| bgcolor="#BCD2EE"  | The sup-norm problem is a purely analytic question about
automorphic forms, which asks for bounds on their largest value (when
viewed as a function on a modular curve or similar space). We describe
a new approach to this problem in the function field setting, which we
carry through to provide new bounds for forms in GL_2 stronger than
what can be proved for the analogous question about classical modular
forms. This approach proceeds by viewing the automorphic form as a  
geometric object, following Drinfeld. It should be possible to prove
bounds in greater generality by this approach in the future.


Revision as of 19:37, 19 August 2019

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Sep 5

Will Sawin
The sup-norm problem for automorphic forms over function fields

and geometry

The sup-norm problem is a purely analytic question about

automorphic forms, which asks for bounds on their largest value (when viewed as a function on a modular curve or similar space). We describe a new approach to this problem in the function field setting, which we carry through to provide new bounds for forms in GL_2 stronger than what can be proved for the analogous question about classical modular forms. This approach proceeds by viewing the automorphic form as a geometric object, following Drinfeld. It should be possible to prove bounds in greater generality by this approach in the future.